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iend vs lioness


he thought, if the lioness comes and sees her child in the water she will think that i pushed him in.if i tell he was naughty she will say it was my fault. what can i do ? and the little cow ran off to his mother cow said.  it was not your fault, my child. iknow he was a very naughty likttle  thing, but his mother  will  be angry . we must run away before she sees us.  come along. hold my tail and run as fast as you can .

the child held his mother tail and the began to run as fast as they couold through the forest. the childs leg s were not very strong and he soon got tired and said, mother, cant we sit down for a little while? i am so tired.  but his mother said, no, we must go on, or the lioness will catch us and eat us. so they ran on.

soon the little cow got so tired  that he fell down and couldnot stand up, and his mother said,  we must find somewhere we can sit down. get up and we will try to find a friend  to nhelp us the littlecow  stood up slowly and they went on very slowly   looking for a friend then they saw the giraffe the said why cow  whats the matters why have you come such a long way   with your child  the cow said  do help us  i well tellyou what happened and she told they giraffe the whole story

  the giraffe listened and said  thats all right i ll look after  you i m not afraid of the  lioness come over here with me you can lie down and go to sleep or it or dring  what ever like  i ll take care of you  if the  lioness  comes  i ll kick her  thats  how  i fight lions  i kick and they dont wanna to be kicked again dont be afraid i m your friend the cow was so glad she had had such a good friend  she know that all giraffes can kick hard she ate a little grass drink a little water  and then lay down with her child to sleep.

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